Ain't No Other Man - Christina Aguilera
What I love about this video is that from the first few shots you can immediately see that it is creatively rich, with the detailed set design, intricate costuming and the various titles. All of these factors make it seem much more film-like and in my opinion they are trying to get a realistic and interesting story across to the audience. This background detail adds to the whole authentic experience of watching the video and this is evidently carried on throughout the rest of the footage. The strongest aspect of this video I feel is the high level of detail - it is obvious that research would have had to have gone into the entire design of the video from the environment that it was filmed in to the costume design of the female singer and the extras. The close up shots of the singer exude femininity and create a theme of seduction - for example an ECU shot of her eyes and her legs. The up tempo and modern dance routine enriches the authenticity of the video and this is also acheived through the continuous alteration in scenario's - such as the bar which then cuts to a ladies dressing room. The cutting between each shot is not the same throughout the entire clip and this therefore helps maintain the viewer's interest - such effects include dissolve and fade away.
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